< How to Transition to Raw Pet Food 跳至內容



How to Transition to Raw Pet Food

You want to transition your pet to raw food slowly to prevent stomach aches and loose stools.

Start by mixing 3 parts of the food you are currently feeding with 1 part raw. Slowly increase the amount of raw while reducing their previous food over the course of 1 to 2 weeks. Continue to monitor your pet during this course and over time your pet should adjust to his new raw diet.

For more in depth information and analysis on raw pet food, be sure to check out our latest stories on our Run Wild blog.

You want to transition your pet to raw food slowly to prevent stomach aches and loose stools. Start by mixing 3 parts of the food you are currently feeding with 1 part raw. Slowly increase the amount of raw while reducing their previous food over the course of 1 to 2 weeks. Continue to monitor your pet during this course and over time your pet should adjust to his new raw diet.

For more in depth information and analysis on raw pet food, be sure to check out our latest stories on our Run Wild blog.